
While procrastinating about setting up this blog I wanted to create a favicon in a pixel art style. Instead of creating the icon I got carried away spaghetti coding a pixel art editor for the terminal in PowerShell…

To open the editor run ./PwshEditor.ps1
For those who like vim run ./SpriteEditor.ps1 -AppSettingsPath “appsettings.vim.json”
The editor controls are all indicated in the UI apart from pressing [SPACE] to draw pixels and arrow keys to move.
Snake mode will make the pen or eraser constantly apply changes as you navigate the canvas.

an image of some aws badges in the powershell sprite editoran image of the pokemon red protagonist in the powershell sprite editor

To open the viewer run ./PwshViewer.ps1
This will start a PowerShell web server and open a page showing all of the images in the sprites folder. There is a problem with ctrl-c being caught in the terminal so sometimes you need to close the window to stop the web server. I think using a background job would stop this occurring but I haven’t tried it yet.

an image of the powershell sprite viewer